miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Software Controlador

Ya se puede descargar el código fuente para el controlador aquí: Descarga Software.

Se necesita:

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi,
    is it possible to build the Ethernet shield in top of the mega 2560 , insteat to build it parallel?

  2. Yes, it is. You can put the ethernet shield over Arduino Mega.

    I use Mudbus library, you can download here http://www.controlomicasa.com/descargas.html. (I added the file!)

    It's necesary to modify original mudbus.h:

    Line 32 to
    #define MB_N_R 16
    and Line 33 to
    #define MB_N_C8 32

    or you can download the modified file here: http://www.controlomicasa.com/MudbusCONUCO.zip


  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Martin,

    It is not possible to put the ethernet board on top of the arduino board. The arduino board is placed with the components down. I tried to build a flat box as possible.


  5. Hi Ramon,
    thanks for your quick response.
    I like to try to build in a quader form. When i look to the circuit board, it would be possible. I can snip some pins of the Ethernet board off. When i find time I will test it and give you a reply.

  6. Hi Martin,

    I designed and produced a small number of "stacked" PC. It includes sockets for:

    -Ardunio MEGA 2560
    -Ethernet shield
    -EEPROM 24LC512, 64kb
    -Tiny RTC
    -NRF24L01 radio module
    -TX 433.92 MHz
    -RX 433.92 MHz

    You can view photos here: http://hagaloumismo.blogspot.com.es/p/fotos-v3_17.html

